Mental Health at St Ambrose
St Mary's
To Give:
To Connect:
To Keep Learning:
To Take Notice:
To Be Active:
Above is a list of specific things that Y5 at St Mary's have chosen to do to try to improve their wellbeing.
Hagley Catholic High School
As part of our growing commitment to mental health, for Children’s Mental Health week (1-7 Feb) we have been a part of the Now and Beyond Mental Health Festival. Over 300 pupils from year 7 and 8 participated in a live webinar from the Peer Education Project, where they explored various issues around mental health. 130 of our year 11 students participated in a session based around practical coping strategies with Every Kick Counts. Over 160 of our year 10 pupils participated in a webinar hosted by the Drive Project and Building Generation R; they heard inspirational testimonials from real people who had endured unthinkable tragedies, only to endure and overcome by demonstrating true resilience.
A group of staff have put together a video where they offered personal insights and advice around managing mental health. We have asked all pupils to participate in the Express Yourself competition, in conjunction with Place2be. Staff and students have also been invited to wear an item of clothing 'inside out' today, to celebrate individual differences.
The feedback so far from parents, students and staff has been overwhelmingly positive!